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BatMUD Forums > General > FlowerMUD

19 Oct 2011 14:10
Imagine a garden of magic flowers that can change color from day to day.

On any one day, a flower is either blue the entire day or red the entire day,
but can change from one day to another.

Given any flower A and any flower B, there is a flower C that is red on all
and only those days on which A and B are both blue.

Also, we are given that for any distinct flowers A and B, there is at least
one day on which A and B are of different colors.

Now suppose that the number of flowers is somewhere between 200 and 500. How
many flowers are in the garden?

Amazingly enough, the problem actually has a unique solution! Doesn.t this
surprise you?

W i z a r d
7y, 261d, 8h, 56m, 53s old
120 [Wizard]