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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.squire > skullsplitter

23 Oct 2011 23:11
There has been some discussion on the skill "skullsplitter". I'll remind you
that this skill is intended for coordinated teamwork, namely, that the knight
should be using this skill when he knows for a fact one of his teammates is
about to stun the monster. It's nearly useless alone, nor is using the skill
over and over at random a good idea -- you'll just waste eps.

However, I have made the following changes to the skill:
-- ep cost reduced from 40 to 25
-- damage increase on stunned targets greatly improved
-- damage increase on stunned targets now also applies to bonus damage from
the four new skills
-- fixed an unrelated bug that used the attacker's dodge instead of the

Shinarae Lluminus

A r c h w i z a r d
2y, 229d, 9h, 47m, 10s old
200 [Wizard]