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BatMUD Forums > General > Re: Halloween Event and General Criticism (Part I)

29 Oct 2011 22:42
First, I'll vent a bit and then I'll go into general criticism
of how BatMud is administrated! It's a bit of a rant, you shall
not get offended. I totally appreciate the efforts everyone
is putting into the game, just disagreeing on how some stuff
is done.

So, last friday we tried to participate in the Halloween
event with a random legion+ party. I made arrangements during
the week with my wife to get the night off and everything was

Event time came and we were all pumped up to go. Of course,
the highbiest party of all was first to enter but we were third
on the list, eagerly waiting for them to wipe. Minutes passed
and we were already shaking our heads in disbelief: "How is it
possible that this happens every year?!"

In the end, the first party stayed in the arena and regenned
peacefully between runs and killed the mob all by itself. 40-50
people stood outside and waited "patiently" for 1-2 hours.
How cool is that?

1y, 265d, 6h, 44m, 24s old
30 Oct 2011 00:05

Nosunrise, I have read your four posts. They are intelligently written and
well thought-out, but they are also misinforming.

First of all, you seem to be basing the entire event off of your single boss
attempt. You make no note of the first boss, which was fought by several dozen
people over four or so parties and distributed its points amongst them. Or the
third boss, which proved to be unbeatable at 3AM and had to wait until the
next day, which also awarded multiple parties. You're also leaving out the
part where I said that monster sucked, apologized, and let the second party
take a swing at it. They died, and the third party stepped in to finish the
job. So far, that means that each boss has awarded a fair number of points to
more than one party, even the one that sucked.

You speak of players being unable to make the event. I announced it ages
ago, and yes, not everyone has time free during any given weekend. An
event that spans a month will start to drag quickly, losing the "special"
feel. Also, balancing rewards over such a long time frame is much harder
than the short term. I deliberately made the event happen over a span of
times and days, and made sure I would personally be around to oversee and
fix anything that went wrong. I can't do that for an entire month. I have
a schedule too.

You also speak of the prizes as overpowered or better than the best having
cast identify on exactly zero of these items. I think you'll find that the
items requiring a boss kill are, in fact, not better than the best stuff out
there. I am also not sure most players would believe that a +con +physress
backpack with maximum weight reduction is worse than a +con (admittedly plus
more con) only frame which happens to be a potion pack. Especially when they
weigh it. The prizes are meant to be good, but not top tier, and offer extra
utilities or specials (such as the whip special), and in the end won't be

You talk about highbies stealing rewards at the end, and fighting for
an entire boot and getting nothing. The events you use as evidence are 4 or
5 years old at this point. Look at the reward distribution of more recent
events to see the direction I, at least, think is more fair as well as more
desired. There are far more rewards than those dropped by killing blows,
and this event, there are no eq drops at all, only point rewards. Players had
been asking for weeks leading up to this for something for newbies and
merchants to do, and that was also delivered. When the extra bags from random
undead weren't popping enough or high-enough level, I fixed that, too. The
intent really is to have something for everyone, which may be impossible, but
worth trying.

Finally, I can't speak for any other player trying to kill you during the
event. That was surely not the intent. Certainly nobody came to me complaining
about being pkilled during the event. The signup list, in fact, makes the
event nearly impossible to "own". No party can kill you while themselves
inside killing the boss in a no-teleport arena, therefore, they cannot stop
you from getting to the signup room and taking your rightful next place.

I am sure you, like everyone else, has gripes about the game. But if you're
going to make grand overall sweeping statements about the administration,
you'll need to come with more than one boss run, a few item short
descriptions, and mistakes from five years ago. And you damn sure better
not blame the entire game on anything I do.

Shinarae Lluminus

A r c h w i z a r d
2y, 232d, 16h, 19m, 27s old
200 [Wizard]