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BatMUD Forums > General > How things are Administrated in BatMud (Part IV)

29 Oct 2011 22:44
Well, arches run things. They can put in any content they
want and they approve content made by wizzes.

And that's that.

What's scary about this is that both the arches and the
wizzes are completely out of touch with the game. Mortals
get more powerful by the minute and the administration
is just doing their best to add gasoline to the fire.

And to make matters worse, there are mortals whining at everything
that moves, except their hushhush out-of-tune guilds/items/abuses.
You guys fucking suck, btw.

The summary of this rant:

The problem with these one-shot events is exactly the same
as with any other content here. It's made by people who are out
of touch with the players. Would it hurt to have a little more
DIALOG with mortals? Maybe TEST content with mortals? You know,
before wasting people's time and wrecking existing balance? I
don't know, maybe even have that content approved by mortals
rather than someone who has not played the game in over a decade?

1y, 265d, 6h, 44m, 24s old