I would like to begin by saying I will most likely profit from this current
event. With that said, I still feel this event had many flaws in its design. I
have not played in a lot of the events, the last one I took part in actively
was invasion and I thought that was a crapshoot in itself. I have already
spoken great things about how amazing I thought redfang event was and I did
NOT participate in it, get any stat bonuses to my eq or make a single gold
coin from it.
Lets start about whats wrong with this current event.
Even though it might seem to be a level playing field for parties of 9 to
fight big bad monsters. I am sure every mortal knows and realizes this is not
the case. A top end party of 9 is more likely going to be more organized and
efficient than 9 random members looking to have fun on a saturday evening. The
difference in character power level is not a small gap, its a motherfucking
wide chasm. This is fact. Thus as the focus of this event appears to be 9 boss
monsters that people can take turns at fighting, most of the time this is not
going to be true.
Then we have the issue with how if you sign up with party a. and 2 hours pass
and party a gives up. you can no longer go free agent and sign up with party
z. Now this was for abuse factors, but my question is how hard is it to create
a log to see if any player abuses this aspect, if they do, punish them for it.
Common sense would say that a player isnt going to go from party a to b to c
to d and just go 4 times in a row.
There is also the fact of the queue. Know what this event reminds me of.
batmud circa 1998. When you had to wait 45 mins to log ingot the game. I cant
speak for the other players. But if I rallied 8 other players to go attack a
unique monster. The last thing I want is to know I am behind 4 other parties,
of which 3 are way way WAY better than mine. Maintaining party morale isnt
easy, especially for the leader. Yeah I know what someone can say to this,
pick better members and stfu. True that. I shall leave this point as is.
Ok, so we have the boss monsters, great. what about the rest of the mud who
reads about this event but cant really contribute? This is where redfang event
shined, you could be level 30, grind some stuff, improve your eq or sell it
for outrageous prices on sales for some highbie. That does several things, it
forced highbies to spend money and re distribute wealth to the masses. What
was locked up in Kawasa's closet was now for some lvl 60 to use to reinc, buy
eq, spend on hookers and blow. Everyone benefitted. I am CERTAIN that after
redfang event happened, there was an increase in players in the game because
of the money changing hands in such a manner.