So what about this event? Well, undeads drop stuff which may or may not be
used by players given level restrictions or whatnot. This matter is still not
100% clear. If someone out there made 40 halloween points from farming undeads
then clearly I am in the wrong. But I havent seen stuff sold on sales, and if
it has been sold quietly, then again, I am in the wrong. But from what I
gathered, most of the bags were only openable by newbies. And you can gift
bags to newbies for a chance at getting points.
Having the 'chance' to get something is kinda lame. Yeah its a random factor
and balancing thing, but if I had 30 bags and gifted 30 of them, I would like
to know I am getting a return on investment. This event is just offering
players a shot at a big monster if they line up for it. Instead of having to
battle through retarded idi, mokele, baggita and 200 zyll royal guards, you
just wait in a room waiting for your turn to go in.
As stated by Nosunrise in his other posts. Content for the game is great. But
one shot events which give everyone items that are best eq for xyz slot for
just participating is too much gravy. Shit, we love content, players come to
play these events. But it is lame that in recent years, really uber shit has
been given out for essentially free and we as players are spoiled with the
fact that "hey, an event is going to run, good shit better drop or else we
gonna whine." Thats just how we players are.
And I always applaud Shinarae for his time and dedication for the game,
regardless of how many jabs I take at him. Bottom line is, he codes and he
codes a lot of stuff. His ideas are great, some are fucking outrageously
awesome. His execution on the other hand is worth questioning. In the business
world, he is the IT guy making the software platform for your company. He
finishes it, and the interface sucks donkey balls and no one in your company
wants to use the software.
My suggestions?
Get some user feedback. Whether it be from some mortals or other coders. Have
another arch look over the event concepts before setting it into motion. Allow
room for fixing. I am POSITIVE if you said there would be a 2d testing phase
for an event youd like to run, the mud would fully support you and help you
test it, then you can release the event 2 weeks later or whatever. It has to
be a better option than just green lighting an event and facing the criticism
and wrath of so many players at once. One of the most frustrating things about
this event is how everything is "set in stone" and once it is in motion, it
has to run its course.
Rethink the rewards or incentives for players to play. Having awesome items is
fine, having awesome bonuses is fine. But put some safety on it. Take
Christmas/Santa event. Santa gives out cool shit, like tmakers and stuff. But
it goes poof after 3 weeks. (brag here, it was my idea for santa to give out
better shit and have it dust)