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BatMUD Forums > General > halloween event halftime thoughts3

29 Oct 2011 23:55
Advertise the event properly. If this is an event that basically shits on the
faces of anyone not lvl 90 and up. Say so. I dont know how merchants and
newbies have been doing with regards to getting halloween points, but it seems
like they are getting the shaft (note: in redfang everyone was happy)

My suggestion for the halloween event was to restructure the points. For
example, 25 points gets you a choice of a various minor rewards. 150 points
get you a medium reward and 750 points get you an uber reward. Points can get
dropped from monsters everywhere. They can be sold and traded amongst players.
Boss fights award points to participants. And dare I say it, the
bonuses/equipment given out diminish in power over time.


Shinarae is awesome for coding stuff
Redfang was a REALLY good event for the ENTIRE mud
This event could have been really successful and a means to motivate people to
grind 30h on the weekend (ppl who would have done other stuff, like go to the
titty bar and watch the three musketeers)

Having events/content like this make batmud awesome and unique, but as stated
before, good content is different from just content/bugged content.

5y, 103d, 16h, 20m, 57s old