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BatMUD Forums > General > Re: halloween event

06 Nov 2011 16:38

I just wanted to say how much I love playing batmud and that I think this game
is really fun.

I just have a concern about this Halloween event. I love the idea of having
big boss mobs for the highbies.

I also love having the little bags for the newbies. However, players like me,
around level 75 with 75 - 200 megs of exp ...

well, we can't do the big boss. And I killed about 400 undeads so far ... and I
have gotten 4 bags ... none of which I could open

because I was too high of a level. So literally, there is nothing for lowbies
or midbies. I am so disappointed for this.

I think players like me are common in this game. But it seems like nothing is
geared for me except grinding exp or grinding cash.

I am just very disappointed. Last year's event was amazing because I could work
all day and I got a reward at the end. And this year, nothing...

But I do appreciate that someone took some time to code something interesting.



174d, 2h, 57m, 57s old
30 Oct 2011 15:26
Silverwing wrote:

I just wanted to say how much I love playing batmud and that I think this game
is really fun.

I just have a concern about this Halloween event. I love the idea of having
big boss mobs for the highbies.

I also love having the little bags for the newbies. However, players like me,
around level 75 with 75 - 200 megs of exp ...

well, we can't do the big boss. And I killed about 400 undeads so far ... and I
have gotten 4 bags ... none of which I could open

because I was too high of a level. So literally, there is nothing for lowbies
or midbies. I am so disappointed for this.

I think players like me are common in this game. But it seems like nothing is
geared for me except grinding exp or grinding cash.

I am just very disappointed. Last year's event was amazing because I could work
all day and I got a reward at the end. And this year, nothing...

But I do appreciate that someone took some time to code something interesting.


I agree. I have played this game off and on since the 1991 or 1992. It
took me a while to get used to this game tune because our power was greatly
downtuned in this version. These events that Shinarae does are really
good for the game and I enjoyed last year's event. I could gather and
turn in items to gain the griffon I ride. This year though I haven't even
tried because others have said that if you are too high of a level then
you can't gain the points from the bags. I have two small children and
I have to go idle for long periods of time or just randomly drop out of
the game to take care of something with them. I like the events where
I can participate sporatically and still maybe get one of the decent items
that were created for the event. I don't have the time to get together a
group and spend all day trying to kill one of the elite mobs on here
. Thanks for your work Shinarae, I'm sure some have enjoyed it but I'm one
of the ones who can't due to time and restrictions put on this event that
exclude me from participating.

1y, 162d, 6h, 14m, 1s old