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BatMUD Forums > General > might be TL:DR

06 Nov 2011 16:41
Alright, so this Halloween weekend definitely turned out to be an awesome
weekend of cherished memories and good times. So lets look back at the
wonderful event which brought us so much joy and I sure will go down in the
history logs as time well wasted.
I guess we can start off with the issue of buying bags for your secondary so
that you could get a massive amount of points quickly and get your hands on 1
or 2 or even 3 of those rigs. My question is, what exactly was the point of
the treat bags to start? You got a tiny bag, small bag, medium bag, large bag,
HUGE bag. All of which grant the person who opens them 1 point. No more, no
less. Sure HUGE bags had some trade value, but I fail to see the purpose of
the little bags in a game dominated by players who are lvl 50+. Now I don't
know what the level limit for a tiny bag was, or hell, not even a small bag. I
know a level 66 player opened a medium bag, so I can assume that tiny bags
might have had a lvl 30 limit, small bags a lvl 50 limit or something in that
range. But what was the point of allowing merchants the ability to mass
produce these bags at nearly free of cost (given the return on investment)
when it become pretty transparent within 36h of the event running there would
be a problem with regards to secondaries? Was this just something just
overlooked? For the record, I probably paid the most for these bags (about
15m). I am not expecting my money back. I just want to know how this very
simple loophole was neglected until the bitter end of the event. I mean, 200k
a bag, 75 max points, it doesn't take a math major to figure out how much a
rig "cost" in bat gold. Yet we still had moronic fucktards trying to sell a
rig for 12m.

To the best of my knowledge, merchants making bags could gift them and get
points for this. Now I do not know how many points they'd get on average if
they gifted say 100 bags to someone, but how exactly was the rest of the mud
supposed to get points. Having a HUGE bag and a tiny bag made no difference
for your secondary. But in order to get a HUGE bag drop from killing undeads,
typically you would need a 3 man (or maybe 2 man) party and go around farming
undeads all day all night (what the fuck?) So that leads me into my next

The bag drops for monsters. Was this actually in anyway random? From my
limited sample size which I had posted to the bs newsgroup, it was pretty
evident what the best way to making HUGE bags were. Now I did bring this to
the attention of you Shinarae, to which I got a cryptic response of 'well lets
see what happens' Did they get nerfed after? I am not sure. I would be curious
to see the results from undead farming after Sunday 2200EET. Still, this leads
us back to my major point, you get a bunch of lvl 80s together, you plow
through 100 undead. You get a few medium bags. But wait, whats
cant open them. Then, lets consider if you took away the 'secondary market'
for normal players to buy tiny/small bags off sales and open them with their
secondary. What was the lvl 50 player who whacked a 5k undead supposed to do
with the bags he got? Your average lvl 50 player who is 60d old who read about
this Halloween event and decided shit, lets play this weekend, these events
only happen once. I am certain there were a lot of casual gamers who logged in
to play this weekend and turned away disgusted when they QUICKLY realized this
event offered them little if nothing.

5y, 105d, 13h, 51m, 21s old