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BatMUD Forums > General > could still be TL:DR

01 Nov 2011 01:14
Another thing that irked me about this event was that you have 25 items, of
which many were 'locked'. Now in games such as call of duty, weapons are
locked until you get to a certain level, and you don't know what it is. But
the difference is, if Im playing COD, chance are I am going to level up to max
anyways so it doesn't matter if I know what is coming up or not. Here given
the structure of this event where you already told us at the start you were
capped at 75 points, wouldn't it have been nice to know what the items exactly
were? It feels like you advertised a sale, I came into your store and you said
the sale starts today, but every hour we'll let you know which item is going
on sale, till then, keep waiting. It would have been nice for me as a player
to look over the potential rewards and then evaluate, ok, I only want two of
those items, so I'll devote xyz time to getting them as opposed to 'well, I
better find a way to get as many points as possible incase there is more than
one item i want' Maybe its just me, but if there is a sale going on, I'd like
to know what is going to be on sale.

There was also the minotaur boss, where my party got to go in first. Sure our
party was probably the best one out of all of the parties assembled and we did
sit in the room and blast the living hell out of the minotaur. Something
bugged or didn't work, since we clearly didn't know oh little monsters spawn
that do crazy shit, but of course how would we know? We have this monster
which couldn't kill us and pound the living hell out of it. What did you
expect us to do, blast it once then walk around the arena and see if
leprechauns be bringing us gold? I found it hysterical you pointed your finger
at my party and said 'this is your fault' after the next 3 parties went in and
instantly got wafflestomped. The first party always had a massive advantage
going first. In many games, such as blackjack and even poker, you have an
inherent advantage acting last. But in your event, it was pretty humourous to
go first, do massive damage and then fuck it up for the rest of the parties
going in as they had to spend their sps dealing with the army of mutant
pokemons we spawned.

Here is one of the things I actually ENJOYED about the event. When you
(Shinarae) opened up the arena for everyone to fight the green knight after
the first party was in there already for 45 mins. At first I thought, awesome,
we are going to slaughter 36 other players. Then members of my party said
'well no lets just do this proper.' Then when we made runs on the monster,
every party got a crack at it. Every party (with the exception of Daerid and
he apologized after) was shooting singles at the monster as opposed to trying
to wipe every other party out. That was a pretty "aha" moment for me which
showed that the mudders COULD get along even though the circumstances of how
points were awarded (prior to you hand giving out points afterwards) would
have made the situation a kill everyone else more points for me grab.

Also worth noting, the other part of the event which was pretty ok in my eyes
was you letting us have a trial period on the equipment so we could try it
out, test it, compare it and figure out what we wanted to buy. I guess that
kinda makes up for the whole 'locked' process. If I am going to buy a new car,
I definitely want to drive it around for a bit and make sure it performs to my
expectations. So props for that.

5y, 105d, 13h, 51m, 21s old