And yes I fully understand you can answer a lot of these questions with 'well,
if you don't like it, don't participate' but I, and I am sure I am not alone
like mudding. Like really really like mudding. If I login on Sunday and see
that all of my friends are in parties playing this event or out farming
undeads but I felt this event wasn't for me and everyone ELSE was trying to
grind bags or busy waiting in queue to suicide run vs a boss, what exactly am
I supposed to do? Study? Please.... I am fairly certain if all the admins had
the attitude of 'if you don't like it, don't play' this game would crumble
pretty quickly. It is because admins are willing to listen to constructive
criticism (and there was a lot of that during this event) make apprioriate
changes (not just blanket quick fixes, "oh them secondaries are a
problem....well ok NERF")