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BatMUD Forums > General > Asharu the everfightning demon

15 Nov 2011 17:50
Hello there. Incase I play few more days until I proceed with my retirement...

I have done few pieces for Asharu and planning to kill it before I retire
again... I'm going to form party from "random" members.

Incase you are interested, here are the requirements:
a) I need few good tanks, few good mages (I have rest alrdy)
b) as a mage, you have should have atleast 4 types (psitype uselles there)
c) can't take newbienewbies, you have to be useful and stand up the fight

So if you fill the requirements - toss me a mail "Why should I take you" :)
So if you fill the requirements - toss me a mail "Why should I take you" :)


1y, 143d, 1h, 8m, 26s old