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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.sailor > Current tune in ship combat cont..

26 Mar 2012 13:36
After 25 minutes of finger exercises, I managed to destroy the target. Worth
mentioning is also that at this point, its sails were down to 0%, yet still it
kept pursuing me as if they were at 100% 'till the very end.

Surprisingly, my party members were still with me and I could move on to
killing the crew. This took us 12 minutes.

Spoils of victory: +27 pirate reputation, 50k cash, about 20k exp each and 8
crew points.

All in all we spent an hour, got 40k exp each, 100k cash to share and 17 crew
points for my ship.

Summary, my opinions only:

- Grappling is way too powerful. I'm sure things with grappling and defending
aren't ready yet and I don't know about your future plans for them, but as it
is I think it'd balance things out if:
1) After blocking the grappling hooks, there would be a cooldown before
they can attempt grappling again (not like 1 sec, more like 30).
2) After successfully repelling an attack by the boarders, there would be
an even longer cooldown before they can attempt boarding again.
3) My crew members should fight back harder and perhaps try to cut down the
grappling lines too. Seems dumb the only way out is to try to sail off.

- Cannons and assault magi should be a bit more powerful, not to mention
disrupt magic.

- Trying to keep a distance to a ship is enormously annoying. You move away
too fast if you just cruise to a direction and you can't keep away if you try
to manually move around. A solution to this is hard to come by, but maybe we
could set our ship's speed to match target ship's speed somehow (console speed

- Also annoying to try to match your opponent's flying altitude when fighting
on top of land (console height <shiptar>).

- Cash and coin reward/difficulty for larger npc ships still seems insanely
low compared to smaller ships.

- It's hard to convince members to join you on crusades against bigger ships
which you cannot solo. Instead of them dropping just one coin, make them drop
many 2/3 point coins so they could be shared. In my opinion, a class 6 ship
could very well drop like 10-15 of those. As for the bonus crew points for
ships included in the fight, rather add player names to the coin and they
could deposit them on ships they're the captain of for a better reward.

4y, 204d, 0h, 49m, 49s old