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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.nun > New vial/candle pouches available

02 Apr 2012 01:47
The recoded and improved vial+candle pouches are now available for purchasing
in the Convent's shop. You can still use your old pouches, but the old
versions are not available in the shop anymore. These new pouches have various
advantages compared to the old one:

- Supports many more ways of handling, so syntaxes such as 'get all whatever
from pouch' and 'put all whatever in pouch' work. This also applies to any
item handles, such as labels, so you can use 'get all 850sp from pouch', for

- The visual output of 'la pouch' is now nicer, and shows index number for
each item, so you can also use 'get vial 3 from pouch'.

- Also shown is the blessedness-status. Blessed vials and blessed candles are
shown with a different visual cue compared to empty vials, unblessed vials and
unblessed candles.

- They say that these pouches are so magical, that they reduce your burden
more compared to the old ones ...

- The contents / fill level of the new pouches is perhaps more logical
compared to the old ones.

- Two size options are available: small and large. There are differences, not
only in the capacity and price ..

And probably some more stuff that I'm forgetting now. I hope you find the new
pouches good.

Ggr the Friendly Bunny

C o d e s l a v e
2y, 321d, 8h, 39m, 58s old
34 [Wizard]