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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.nun > Yet Another Hour of Prayer tune

18 May 2012 10:23
Hour of prayer was child's play for you lot, so i've taken out the big fat
tune ruler and slapped a few folks on the knuckles for letting you off too

As a penance, If do you skip your prayers then you will take the risk of
becoming undeserved of Las' assistance to get to the guild with 'nteleport'.

Also, you'll notice that continual abscences will mean you have to sit around
and recite a few more verses of "My Life For Las" next time. That is, when you
eventually do get your sorry self there and worship the Holy One.

This will be effective from boot. If you notice any obvious bugs, let me know.

C o d e s l a v e
1y, 218d, 5h, 41m, 23s old
35 [Wizard]