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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.kharim > Alertness!

25 Aug 2012 20:14
Kizarwexius was playing 7-card stud against the Loch Ness Monster in the
annual Dungeons & Dragons-meeting and betted the contents of my Kharim guild
into the pot. As Kizarwexius is more adept in pot limit Omaha, I'm sad to
announce that while Kizarwexius was able to win the "Ness" part from the Loch
Ness Monster, the "alert" part was lost. As I have no clue where I'm going
with this joke, I'll just say that you can now train alertness to 70% instead
of 100%. 100% doesn't represent Kharim too much as the forms of more
cowa...cautious combat are more in the territory of the Crimson Brigade,
although they should call it the Yellow Brigade as they're always running

A r c h w i z a r d
3y, 12d, 19h, 22m, 48s old
600 [Wizard]