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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.alchemists > Drugs/tubes/salves/rambling

30 Oct 2012 20:19
Tubes should have better handles. Just like mineral boxes and herb jars.
When drugs are made, empty drugs are white pills and usable drugs are colored.
Why not immediately put it as "wis drug", these labels would be used in tubes
ie. "Get wis from tube".
When searching salves, it tells you when you are near some combinations. When
you succeed doing some salve, it results saying nothing.
This actually repeats when doing more salves. If you fumble, it says you
fumbles the salve. When you succeed, you still need to identify the salve to
know, if there's some negative effect or not. So when succeeding on something
you already know, it doesn't label it or say if there is some penalties with
the salve. I hope this could be changed so that if you create good or bad
salve, you would know it without identification.

Also, it would be nice to have "formulas" type of command for learned
salves/drugs/elixirs too. Not that having external notes would be bad, but
kinda frustrating.

Br, Grimpold

5y, 56d, 18h, 7m, 57s old