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BatMUD Forums > General > Ask and Talk

01 Feb 2013 21:01
Like you know, we have many ways of interacting with monsters. The traditional
way is asking the monsters with 'ask' command and then there are NPCs which
support newer chatscripts, like the city guards in Arelium for example. Since
talk is not as much used (partly because it's newer feature), I've tried to
combine this features a bit. Now if you encounter a monster that would
normally ignore you, but it would be able to talk to you, ask will now also
automatically open the talk-interface to you. Hopefully this will make
interaction with NPC monsters a little bit easier in the future. There might
be some strange monsters that might have both ask and talk-interfaces. So if
there's something contradicting or you see something that isn't working like
it should be, please let me or coder of the NPC know about it.

A r c h w i z a r d
3y, 92d, 16h, 34m, 49s old
600 [Wizard]