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BatMUD Forums > General > Re: Hybrid caster tanks

07 Apr 2013 16:14

Many years ago hybrid tanks ruled the mud. Being a habo tank or nun templar had
so many advantages over being a clumsy nomad that hardly anyone ever chose that
path. Nowadays, the roles are reversed. Nomads stand better, deal more damage,
and can even do many other things now besides.

In response to the dominance of hybrids, the wizzes (in their infinite wisdom)
made it VERY difficult to get off longer spells such as habo, holy bolt, herbal
poison blast, etc. At one point, this made sense. I would argue that now, it
does not. I would like to see some logical tune to how difficult it is to cast
spells in front row now, esp if you have some tank guilds. Perhaps
double/triple the effect of discipline on spell casting? Right now, it just
seems like being a hybrid in front row is a lot of work for very little reward.
Esp since nomad tanks now out damage hybrids and stand much much better (which
is the ultimate role of any tank).

My two cents.

N e w b i e  H e l p e r
3y, 160d, 0h, 46m, 1s old
07 Apr 2013 16:15
Blayke wrote:

Many years ago hybrid tanks ruled the mud. Being a habo tank or nun templar had
so many advantages over being a clumsy nomad that hardly anyone ever chose that
path. Nowadays, the roles are reversed. Nomads stand better, deal more damage,
and can even do many other things now besides.

In response to the dominance of hybrids, the wizzes (in their infinite wisdom)
made it VERY difficult to get off longer spells such as habo, holy bolt, herbal
poison blast, etc. At one point, this made sense. I would argue that now, it
does not. I would like to see some logical tune to how difficult it is to cast
spells in front row now, esp if you have some tank guilds. Perhaps
double/triple the effect of discipline on spell casting? Right now, it just
seems like being a hybrid in front row is a lot of work for very little reward.
Esp since nomad tanks now out damage hybrids and stand much much better (which
is the ultimate role of any tank).

My two cents.
Then make a nomad tank if they are so much better. Nomad's lack proper healing
provess and do not get spells to prot themselves. So they do have their
downsides aswell. They are also rather boring due to being mostly only
frontrow-usefull, where your hybrid can opt to be in frontrow or backrow and
still be useful. Archers being a slight exception, they are actual of some
little use even in backrow. As a nomad, you are an offtank and/or deftank, and
that is about it what you can do. If you choose to go hybrid, you can fullfil
many other needs in a party, thou of course not being as efficient in deffing
as nomads. Many years hybrid tanks ruled the mud. Nowadays, GOOD THAT THEY DO
NOT. Casters are casters, and tanks are tanks. If you want to be a mixmatch of
those two, you should be penalized by some fashion, be it harder to cast
spells as it is now. How can you concentrate on phrasing a long phraze, or a
complex set of hand-signals, while at the same time being banged on the head
with a club. Erelig kharims are a good way of how caster tanks should be. In
combat you do not get to cast at all, and out of combat your spells work as
normal. I would rather see this being done to more guilds hybrid options,
rather than to make their casting easier.

My two cents. And sorry for the typoes and such, unlike blayke im not
english-speaking by nature so i might typo more than him.

2y, 268d, 10h, 12m, 27s old
07 Apr 2013 16:16
Your complete black and white outlook of how classes should work would make
this game very cookie cutter not to mention as boring as hell. While I agree
that nomads should be best tanks, you completely miss Blayke's point about
hybrid tanks being very ineffective. Most habodefs get 1 out of 3 habos would
go off. Then you had to factor in Fail to Reach! It is COMPLETELY
frustrating. Hybrid tanks getting spells/skills broke makes you wish you were
a nomad since you don't do any damage and don't tank as well. This Aelenadef
is fun, but it completely sucks when you are trying to barbs an eq mob and you
get your spell interrupted twice in a row and then because of high poison
resist the barbs is resisted. All party members start whining about barbs,
like it should be instant cast. Other hybrid suffer this same thing. I did
like your idea of interrupted skill/spell getting some short term bonus. A
push back, super quick lips on next spell cast, or high chance to resist next
interrupt. It doesn't have to be game breaking, but something would be nice.

2y, 82d, 14h, 35m, 59s old
06 Apr 2013 23:01
Nikana wrote:
Your complete black and white outlook of how classes should work would make
this game very cookie cutter not to mention as boring as hell. While I agree
that nomads should be best tanks, you completely miss Blayke's point about
hybrid tanks being very ineffective. Most habodefs get 1 out of 3 habos would
go off. Then you had to factor in Fail to Reach! It is COMPLETELY
frustrating. Hybrid tanks getting spells/skills broke makes you wish you were
a nomad since you don't do any damage and don't tank as well. This Aelenadef
is fun, but it completely sucks when you are trying to barbs an eq mob and you
get your spell interrupted twice in a row and then because of high poison
resist the barbs is resisted. All party members start whining about barbs,
like it should be instant cast. Other hybrid suffer this same thing. I did
like your idea of interrupted skill/spell getting some short term bonus. A
push back, super quick lips on next spell cast, or high chance to resist next
interrupt. It doesn't have to be game breaking, but something would be nice.
Yes, a small boost, but not blayke's mega idea about making discipline work 3x
better (so kinda nofail) ... this would make hybrid tanks way too effective.

2y, 268d, 12h, 56m, 30s old
06 Apr 2013 20:30
Thou, another option would be to replace the complete interrupt with some kind
of push-back efect they have in other games, where if struck your spellrounds
increase. So that if you dont get hit, you cast as normal, and if you get hit
you dont get interrupted, but your spell becomes maybe 2 rounds longer to go

2y, 268d, 10h, 12m, 27s old