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BatMUD Forums > General > Asmodeus reminder

17 Apr 2013 00:20
To slay Asmodeus we will need blood from other players.
The help will be rewarded with gold and items. Even secondaries can
participate but the more levels the more blood the sacrifice is worth.

We need your help on SUNDAY 28th of APRIL at 18:00 EET.

Everyone will be paid 1k for every character level and gets lottery shares
according to their player level.

Asmodeus lottery preview:

Grand prize of the lottery is 10k void society points, which you can use to
buy eq. Rough estimation is that theyre worth around 10m gold.

Here is some of the others items that will be rolled

Rose clasp, Sacred bracelets of eternity, A mouth-shaped gold necklace,
Wonderful Boots of Evasion.Thick Golden Ringband, Full shield clad with golden
goatskin, Medallion of Honor, Gleaming splint armour shimmering blue magick,
Small crystal prism on a mithril chain, The ancient rune of Be-thor/Zeratul

More items will be announced closer to the event!

The lottery will be held some time after Asmodeus is slain. We will
need a bit of time to organize the lottery.

282d, 2h, 49m, 53s old