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BatMUD Forums > General > Asmodeus, again

25 Apr 2013 19:29
Next sunday, 28th of april, at 18 EET we will start killing Asmodeus and we
need your help! =) Come sacrifice yourself and get your shares for the mad
Asmo lottery! Our sacrificial master Merioli will bring some more details when
and how to sign up for sacrifice. But the most important thing now is to make
sure you will be online by the time!

The lottery pool is filling nicely. The pool is missing a few items but here
is how it looks at the moment:

Visored helmet of Kaela Jaessar
a rose clasp
Sacred Bracelets of Eternity
a pair of short green boots
a mouth-shaped gold necklace (humming)
wonderful boots of evasion
a steel ring
thick golden ringband
a dwarven full shield 'Dragomir'
medallion of honor
a full shield clad with golden goatskin
gleaming splint armour shimmering blue magick
a pair of short green boots
Nightfall, proclaimer of death eternal
small crystal prism on a mithril chain
The ancient rune of Be-thor or Zeratul

We have also added some cash prizes:

3x 1m, 4x 500k, 5x 250k

The grand prize for the lottery is 10k void+ society points! If you don't want
points you can have 10m cash instead.

See you on sunday! =)

284d, 15h, 26m, 23s old