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BatMUD Forums > General > Highway to Hell

27 Apr 2013 19:17
Tomorrow (sunday 28th april) )is the day when hopefully Asmodeus will fall.

We will start killing Asmodeus as 18:00 EET. But before we start we need to
know if we have enough people to sacrifice themselves. Last kill we had about
80 mortals sacrificing a bit less then 6000 levels. We need to make sure that
we have at least that many willing sacrifices.

This is why I ask everyone to sign up TO MERIOLI (Not me, I am busy leading
the party) if they are comming to sacrifice themselves.

But PLEASE DON'T SIGN UP BEFORE SUNDAY 16:00. We can only start the battle
when we have enough people signed up!

If you have any questions about sacrificing order on sunday or wishes or
anything TALK TO MERIOLI. I will be busy with the party and will not be able
to reply =(.

But already I would like to thank everyone for helping us! =)

Ps. What I said about the lottery in the previous post is still valid. Nova
Arcanum, Melkior's book of necromancy was added to the lottery pool with the
other items. =)

286d, 10h, 14m, 51s old