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BatMUD Forums > General > Asmo pool information

28 Apr 2013 17:49
Prizes for Asmo lottery are the following

Everyone gets 1k for each player level.

Black Tunica of Zyll
an amulet, resembling a pentagram <vibrating>
a well-crafted pair of stud-covered leather leggings
a lizard skin cloak
Sacred Bracelets of Eternity
a pair of short green boots
a mouth-shaped gold necklace (humming)
wonderful boots of evasion
a steel ring
thick golden ringband
a dwarven full shield 'Dragomir'
medallion of honor
a full shield clad with golden goatskin
gleaming splint armour shimmering blue magick
a pair of short green boots
Nightfall, proclaimer of death eternal
The Trilloch's sword

3x 1m, 4x 500k, 5x 250k

That is 29 rewards for the needed 80ish sacced people. That means roughly 30%
will get a reward among the gold for each level sacced.

286d, 14h, 51m, 50s old