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BatMUD Forums > General > House of Creed is recruiting.

18 May 2013 23:25
House of creed still has few Commoner spots open.
Meaning that active players under level 50 can join our house, and in time
hopefully gain bonuses like +dam, +stats, +exprate or +resistances depending
what we pick.
The way it works is that commoners, full members, regular members gain points
to the house by exping example.
After cycle ends we can pick those bonuses, this is cost free of charge for
all commoners.
Our recruiting center is at Goverment building in Arelium where you can
automaticly join, or ask me, malos, tumbelius for joining info or other
If autojoining at Goverment building, simply 'join house creed' and you are
Members are expected to be active, and after each cycle memberships are
reviewed once more.
Goverment building also has plaque that contains alot of the details how the
system works, and help houses command aswell.
If you have any questions please contact me.


355d, 15h, 55m, 16s old