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BatMUD Forums > General > new boons

15 Apr 2014 00:29
I'm going to ask the question, were these new power boost boons really thought
through? I fear the player power boost is going to end up in downtunes
elsewhere to balance it out. So instead of granting a "pay to win"-scenario,
its a "pay to remain where you are"-scenario, where those who don't want to
pay end up getting shafted. Or maybe the new boons themselves get tuned where
the player who donated plenty of money to remain competitive will end up
feeling scammed.

Or maybe its just acceptable that player power grows, monsters die quicker and
easier, more exp is made with more damage output and less sp/ep spent to do
it. At least there are ways to spend exp zinfinite levels to make.


3y, 74d, 3h, 50m, 57s old