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BatMUD Forums > Batclient > BatMUD Goals Plugin under development

03 Apr 2015 05:20
Hi all!

I'm developing a plugin which helps keeping track of my BatMUD goals. In
particular I can set improving a skill or a spell as goal. The 'exp' command
then shows how many experience points I still need to improve said skill/spell.

Goal bladed fury: 1520681 You need: 1115816

If I have enough it shows which guilds allow me to improve the skill

Goal camping: 571749 You have enough to advance in ranger, barbarian

Or if I need more levels it prints

Goal throw weight: needs level

The source codes are available in

The plugin already serves my needs quite well, but there are a couple of issues
that need to be solved:

- I need to trigger player advancing a guild level. Currently the player needs
to set their guild level by using the guild info command.
- I need someone to confirm what is printed to the screen when a player studies
a spell partially. The plugin already has support for partially training

After these two issues have been solved I can create an initial release.
Currently anyone that wants to use the plugin have to build it from source.

Suggestions, issues and development help appreciated.

- Jogo

64d, 4h, 26m, 28s old