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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.tzarakk > Guild Leadership

01 Feb 2015 01:42
No one reads this right...
I brough up this point before but i think its the right time to touch base on
this again
"Via these threads, one of the hands connects with a smaller figure resembing
Darkki, mounted on Mustasurma, the wildly flaming abomination. The other hand
appears to be controlling a rapidly changing blur of corrupted animals, dying
beasts and soldiers on the battlefield, a gruesome image of carnage and
violence. Perhaps is it displaying the souls harvested by the Champion of
Tzarakk, or perhaps it is there to remind you that everything dies."
and to get to my point(hammer in)
He was last on Sat Jan 19 12:14:20 2013 (2y, 9d, 10h, 35min and 29s ago).
how is he still leader, cause this cant be right.....

In theory, theory and practice are the same, but in practice, theyre not.

2y, 242d, 15h, 57m, 40s old