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BatMUD Forums > General > Re: Gala & other things

19 Apr 2015 17:56
Hello, averyone i met and didn on the other hand.
i wanted to express my gratitutde towards arranging a nice evening
in a great place with some cool rockin chicks and other bands.
i had a wonderful night and all, but there were a few draw backs.
i mean, okays we got 2 (two) free 0,3 liter beers for free.
well, okays, heard that there was actually given a few more ticets later on.
but c'mon, i understand that if that was somekind of gathering like in kappeli
preparty........... but 6,5 euros for a damn 0,3 litre beer????

i probably dont have to mention that a few of us are not millionares
and are allready spending increadible amount of money just
to be in there in the first place... and then this.
i probably dont have to mention how dissappointed i was when i noticed
the price tags. and im not even drinkg anything fancy like some guys.
so yeah im not very happy about it and probably thre are quite a
few that agree. i voted with my feww around 11 pm and canged place.
wouldve loved to stay but i couldnt afford that 50 euros minimum
in drink for the rest of the night.

so , im my opinion Bat ry got some rose and some hose.

ps.didnt know should i write this in flame or where the hell so
i wrote this on generic.

340d, 22h, 5m, 23s old
19 Apr 2015 18:23
Thanks for the feedback and valid point on the price.

Unfortunately the reality is that there is a certain price level
when arranging events in more upscale environment in Helsinki.
I am sure it is possible to arrange good events in places with
lower price levels (venue suggestions are welcome!), but Kaivo-
huone has a certain history for us. Plus it has a stage and much
of the tech etc that makes organizing performances much easier.

For clarity, the restaurant (not us) sets the price level, and
in exchange for which they reserve the space exclusively for us
(we do not get a commission on the sales).

Anyway, I hope people still had a generally good time and made
some new friendships.

++ Gore

A r c h w i z a r d
15y, 164d, 8h, 3m, 48s old
600 [Wizard]
20 Apr 2015 02:45
Hipander wrote:
Hello, averyone i met and didn on the other hand.
i wanted to express my gratitutde towards arranging a nice evening
in a great place with some cool rockin chicks and other bands.
i had a wonderful night and all, but there were a few draw backs.
i mean, okays we got 2 (two) free 0,3 liter beers for free.
well, okays, heard that there was actually given a few more ticets later on.
but c'mon, i understand that if that was somekind of gathering like in kappeli
preparty........... but 6,5 euros for a damn 0,3 litre beer????

i probably dont have to mention that a few of us are not millionares
and are allready spending increadible amount of money just
to be in there in the first place... and then this.
i probably dont have to mention how dissappointed i was when i noticed
the price tags. and im not even drinkg anything fancy like some guys.
so yeah im not very happy about it and probably thre are quite a
few that agree. i voted with my feww around 11 pm and canged place.
wouldve loved to stay but i couldnt afford that 50 euros minimum
in drink for the rest of the night.

so , im my opinion Bat ry got some rose and some hose.

ps.didnt know should i write this in flame or where the hell so
i wrote this on generic.
I must first of all say that i wasn't on this gala but I was there 5 years

And i know some of us aren't rich but for me to get to the gala and back cost
quite a bit and i was only going from Sweden.
And i didn't go to the gala to drink even tho i did but mainly to meet
other players and celebrate BATs birthday.
I wouldn't dream of going somewhere else just to save a few euros on beer,
if i felt i couldn't afford more then a few find then its just a few
and still getting to meet all the players I've interacted with through the

Pitty i couldnt come this year but its only 5 years untill next time, see you


N e w b i e  H e l p e r
1y, 19d, 23h, 5m, 52s old