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BatMUD Forums > General > Re: Thamos

14 Jun 2015 06:55
Thamos killed me at Arelium SC tonight for no reason.

Thamos arrives from east.
The turtle starts squirming.
A cart labeled 'Army Surplus' emotes 'Highcoins from Taucci or Tonto!'
Thamos starts concentrating on a new skill.
Thamos caresses you softly with his hands.
A curtain of blackness tries to close in front of your eyes.
That really HURT!
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
********************** Round 1 **********************
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
You are no longer stunned.
You fall unconscious from the pain.
Thamos hits Mirabelle once slicing open a gaping wound.
You are unconscious, unable to do anything.
Thamos starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Blood pours from your wounds!
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
********************** Round 2 **********************
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
You die.

Here is what he said to me 5-12-15. He randomly started talking to me. I've
never seen him or talked to him before he started to suddenly talk to me. I put
him on ignore and haven't seen him since until he killed me tonight.

Thamos tells you 'who are you'
Thamos tells you 'some ugly woman who cant get attention from men any other
place than here..?'
Thamos tells you 'womans like you'
You tell Thamos 'what do you mean?'
Thamos tells you 'attention whore?
You tell Thamos 'im not an attention whore
Thamos tells you 'or at best greatly lost'
You tell Thamos 'lost of what?
Thamos tells you 'this is mans world'
You tell Thamos 'umm.. there is women in this world too'
Thamos tells you 'fleetingly
You tell Thamos 'what does that mean?
Thamos tells you 'what you want from here'
Thamos tells you 'are you ugly?
You tell Thamos 'im here to play the batmud and talk to people'
Thamos tells you 'so you are ugly and dont have friends'
Thamos tells you 'you suck'
Thamos tells you 'you are pathetic excuse of a woman...attention whore without
even knowing it'
Thamos tells you 'no man would want you to be mother of his children'

If he is gonna say mean things to people for no reason and kill people for no
reason i don't think he should be playing.

175d, 13h, 45m, 33s old
14 Jun 2015 16:52
Years back I experienced harassment multiple times. Twice I refused to
talk/fight back and it took 3-6months of constant harassment before wizs did
anything. Once this jackass got mad because I killed 'his' drawbridge mob
while he was idling. I choose to fight back and Jacen has been my friend ever

My personal suggestion would be to get your highbie friends to 'teach' him a
lesson. Having them ruin his gaming experience for a week or two should change
his mind about picking on you. Hope this helped.

2y, 329d, 4h, 16m, 10s old
14 Jun 2015 21:50
FYI, Thamos is the old player Nerzhul(Sp?). He was removed for being generally
a misogynistic
A-hole to certain female players and just refusing to leave them alone. I am
pretty sure that he's both unabalanced in RL,
and he's never been laid in his life, and hence logs on to bat to take his
sexual frustrations out on the very small
female population here. My suggestion is that some wizard take a hard look at
this individual's
ISP. This is not, imho, the kind of person we want trolling around our
community. FYI, also,
killing him doesn't do anything because he really doesn't log on to play, just
troll females.
So my suggestion is that you put him on ignore and get in contact with either
Shinarae (who I think dealt pretty harshly with him the first time) or Gore,
who also
doesnt stand for that kinda S**T.


Mirabelle wrote:
Thamos killed me at Arelium SC tonight for no reason.

Thamos arrives from east.
The turtle starts squirming.
A cart labeled 'Army Surplus' emotes 'Highcoins from Taucci or Tonto!'
Thamos starts concentrating on a new skill.
Thamos caresses you softly with his hands.
A curtain of blackness tries to close in front of your eyes.
That really HURT!
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
********************** Round 1 **********************
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
You are no longer stunned.
You fall unconscious from the pain.
Thamos hits Mirabelle once slicing open a gaping wound.
You are unconscious, unable to do anything.
Thamos starts concentrating on a new offensive spell.
Blood pours from your wounds!
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
********************** Round 2 **********************
You wish your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
You die.

Here is what he said to me 5-12-15. He randomly started talking to me. I've
never seen him or talked to him before he started to suddenly talk to me. I put
him on ignore and haven't seen him since until he killed me tonight.

Thamos tells you 'who are you'
Thamos tells you 'some ugly woman who cant get attention from men any other
place than here..?'
Thamos tells you 'womans like you'
You tell Thamos 'what do you mean?'
Thamos tells you 'attention whore?
You tell Thamos 'im not an attention whore
Thamos tells you 'or at best greatly lost'
You tell Thamos 'lost of what?
Thamos tells you 'this is mans world'
You tell Thamos 'umm.. there is women in this world too'
Thamos tells you 'fleetingly
You tell Thamos 'what does that mean?
Thamos tells you 'what you want from here'
Thamos tells you 'are you ugly?
You tell Thamos 'im here to play the batmud and talk to people'
Thamos tells you 'so you are ugly and dont have friends'
Thamos tells you 'you suck'
Thamos tells you 'you are pathetic excuse of a woman...attention whore without
even knowing it'
Thamos tells you 'no man would want you to be mother of his children'

If he is gonna say mean things to people for no reason and kill people for no
reason i don't think he should be playing.
N e w b i e  H e l p e r
4y, 86d, 21h, 59m, 26s old
11 Jul 2015 00:44
Time to weigh in. Killing someone because they are a woman in real life is
unacceptable. Since Thamos was happy to provide evidence of such, he can
expect consequences for his actions. I'll also point out that calling someone
a bitch of the USA, when that person happens to be a friend of an Archwizard
_from_ the USA, is also pretty stupid, and isn't helping his case any. The
two-day ban he just got is a warning, a tap on the shoulder more than anything
else, to remind him that these kind of things are against our rules.

I'm sure he will want to plead his case, but I have better logs than he does.

Shinarae "I coded that turtle" Lluminus

A r c h w i z a r d
3y, 95d, 11h, 10m, 19s old
200 [Wizard]
12 Jul 2015 20:52
Shinarae wrote:
Time to weigh in. Killing someone because they are a woman in real life is
unacceptable. Since Thamos was happy to provide evidence of such, he can
expect consequences for his actions. I'll also point out that calling someone
a bitch of the USA, when that person happens to be a friend of an Archwizard
_from_ the USA, is also pretty stupid, and isn't helping his case any. The
two-day ban he just got is a warning, a tap on the shoulder more than anything
else, to remind him that these kind of things are against our rules.

I'm sure he will want to plead his case, but I have better logs than he does.

Shinarae "I coded that turtle" Lluminus
+1 for shinarae


3y, 220d, 17h, 27m, 41s old