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BatMUD Forums > General > Re: Thamos

14 Jul 2015 16:42
I'll try to make a righteous judgment call on your case, Maribelle.

For wizards to act upon verbal harassment is a double edged blade, because the
damage caused by verbal abuse is emotional, and therefore it cannot be
objectively measured. I mean, while someone can say "fuck you" to me and I
might just shrug my shoulders and laugh at it (in mud terms, let's say i took
1 "emotional hit point" of damage from it), the same words uttered to someone
else might ruin his day entirely (in mud terms, let's say he took 100
"emotional hit points" of damage from it). Of course, death threats and
unsportsmanlike referrals to any player/wizards' RL is an entirely different
case (and they are - for the record - illegal).

But what we _can_ act upon is when there is game mechanical evidence backing
up the claim that i.e. player A is ruining player B's gameplay intentionally
using game mechanics instead of verbal insults. That evidence is objective and
measurable. So my advice to you is to ignore players who you don't want to be
dealing with or hearing from. On the other hand, if someone is making your
playing experience worse by i.e. continuously killing your character, be ready
to gather all evidence (logs!) you can to prove it.

All the best,
Sirdar Silverfang

W i z a r d
5y, 3d, 13h, 31m, 30s old
120 [Wizard]