tired of hitting cut/tear? 5k goblin whooping your ass even you have full
damage set on and mount? i have solution for you, join HCBAT and become
mightier than you ever imagined! 300k minotaur ahead, no problem. stun that
fucker with tigerclaw and take it down in 1 run ALONE! Make fortune with
non-tuned eq worth, explore the batworld on your own, no need to gather that
6man party to get past that blocker anymore. Very polite little community
waiting for you the get you started. Join today!
tired of hitting cut/tear? 5k goblin whooping your ass even you have full
damage set on and mount? i have solution for you, join HCBAT and become
mightier than you ever imagined! 300k minotaur ahead, no problem. stun that
fucker with tigerclaw and take it down in 1 run ALONE! Make fortune with
non-tuned eq worth, explore the batworld on your own, no need to gather that
6man party to get past that blocker anymore. Very polite little community
waiting for you the get you started. Join today!