Heidel wrote:
Come reboot and following things will happen:
- You will take part of the damage taken by your soul companion
- You will take a bit smaller part of the damage taken by your spirit mount
- Healing debuff is gone
The actual percentages may change later.
Next on agenda: removing Way of the Tarmalen crits from selfhealing... or
something similar.
This downtune was brought to you by Heidel.
In normal melee and even singletarget blasts, I think it is fine. However..
Rikia throws a pinch of magic dust in air and chants 'fah mar nak grttzt
gnatlnamauch' (lava storm)
Rikia hits you, Daerid's soul companion and Sheep spirit with his lava storm.
That really HURT!
Your skin is CHARRED severely!
Your skin is CHARRED severely!
You are no longer stunned.
You fall unconscious from the pain.
Blood pours from your wounds!
Your skin is CHARRED severely!
Hit: 1034 hp => -228/1128
I think any big area I do not remember to prot against instakilling me is not
that fun.
-The noob without 1.5k hp.