Woocca wrote:
So here's what happened today:
The box is engulfed by an INTENSE light which leaps towards you.
Your a ring made from sheer moonlight labeled as \/\/oocca <blue glow> breaks
apart as the light engulfs it!.
As a result of this I would suggest you do not party with Viitta for the
foreseeable future.
So here's what happened today:
Kizarwexius is DEAD, R.I.P.
You hug your own ring made from sheer moonlight.
After the unfortunate events of Tuesday I got about two parties worth of
people voluntarily offering to help get me a new ring to replace the one
Tiamat boxed by Viitta. Today Kizarwexius died and I am in deep debt of
gratitude to all these people -- many of whom don't have rings of their
own -- and the awesome BatMUD community. This restores my faith in that
this game is worth playing and that total fuckwit actions are not
received well by the players of today.
A massive THANK YOU to everyone who offered their help!