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BatMUD Forums > Ideas-wanted > Battle listen , information

11 Oct 2019 16:58
As everyone knows battle listen all 3 is too spammy for any real party.
Battle listen all 1 gives almost no information.

Could listen 1 (or listen 2 or whatever) be enhanced to give for example the
following kind of information:
Moratar hits Huppu 3 times. (*BARBARICALLY BASHES, knocks, cuts)

The asterisk there would be a crit, can add another for supercrit. Then just
colour code those msgs according to the dmg type that would've been visible in
listen 3. Voila, combat spam infinitely more informational. This is yet
another issue that is Hell to fix client side. I'd imagine it could be hell to
fix on server side too but information clearly is there since I only ask for a
combation of listen 1 and 3.

5y, 36d, 10h, 47m, 48s old