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BatMUD Forums > Updates > Halloween Updates II

31 Oct 2019 01:48
Happy Halloween everyone!

For the remainder of the event, Thursday through Sunday, the following changes
have been made:

1) The "solo" restriction is removed. You enter the zone of your current party

2) This means you can kill multiple copies of the same boss in a single
reboot, potentially up to three for triple tickets.

The Furnachia boss still scales with party size, but the other bosses do not,
so feel free to bring in lower-level friends so they can get tickets of
colours they couldn't before. You still get only three tries total per portal
per day, so parties might need to swap out members if someone dies.

Shinarae Lee Curtis

A r c h w i z a r d
4y, 125d, 0h, 47m, 47s old
200 [Wizard]