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BatMUD Forums > Updates > Highbie Mines (Part 2)

07 Apr 2020 00:53
There have been some tunes made to the event.
1) If you are a newbie helper, you can select 'newbie' as the level. The
monsters are the same difficulty as the normal newbie mines, more or less.
Obviously this pays very little by most highbie standards, but you might have
some grateful fans.
2) Several typofixes and bugfixes. Thanks for reporting, everyone!
3) Due to the concern, "permanent" should now be clarified "lasts one year
then its stats get halved like any other Shinarae yearly event". But that's
too long to type. Just understand that's the implication.
4) At reboot, there will be a table next to the portal that allows you to make
some modifications to the pearly eq. You can change its specific armour or
weapon type (but it must stay the same slots) or its material. You can make it
'permanent' see above. Or, you can cash them out for a few coins if they're
completely worthless (or if it's April 29th and they're about to dest anyhow).

The cost for each change is "runs". You must run the Highbie mines at the eq's
listed level the listed number of times. Since making an item permament takes
10 runs, and it's the 6th, you'll be able to save at most 2 items. Plan
accordingly. A "run" is successful if you get the chest, regardless of
difficulty, and regardless of the eq you got inside.

If you already have an item you like, make sure you use the table to find out
what level the item is. If you assume, and April 30th find out you're wrong
when you can't save it, that's on you.

I will continue to hear any other bugs, typos, requests and recommendations
until it's too late to implement them.

Shinarae "blood pudding" Lluminus

A r c h w i z a r d
4y, 153d, 12h, 31m, 30s old
200 [Wizard]