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BatMUD Forums > Ideas-wanted > Aelena (Page one)

03 Apr 2021 22:04
We all know that Aelena had some balance issues when it was in it's player
testing phase and what not but at this point it's almost become another dead
guild that only a couple (few?) players decide to still entertain themselves
with. So I'd figure I would mention some issues and possible fixes for the
guild. This is purely a suggestion, responding by niavely disagreeing with me
will probably do about as much good as a massive flames post.

Insight of venoms: The mastery skill for Aelena, is horrifically, almost
disrespectfully miscalculated when it comes to accrual. You would sooner get
100 purity, 100 mage essence and 100 komd collectively before managing 20
insight of venoms. My suggestion is put a hard cap of 30%, and make it at
least somewhat attainable in a normal human lifetime.

Stunned manuevers: I mean even 30% would be beneficial to some degree, the
fact Aelena gets none whatsoever is beyond me, and I would love to know how
this would massively put this guild out of balance. It's not parry, it's just
quality of life for all tanking.

Organ management and type: Anyone that has spent some time playing Aelena will
tell you the organ selection for the worthwhile poisons (bleeding soul and
seeking pain) are down right silly. There are literally 3-4 unicorns that can
be feasibly killed by a solo Aelena and even at that right makes it impossible
to gather an ample amount of reagents for yourself. At least add some
quest/ability to be able to manipulate or change the race selection, or better
yet just add a higher mob level in order to get storage-worthy organs for
those poisons and make them more reasonable races.


N e w b i e  H e l p e r
4y, 47d, 19h, 53m, 44s old