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BatMUD Forums > Batclient > v1.102 released on Steam

10 Aug 2021 23:58
Balanced Alternative Techniques ry ("B.A.T. ry") is proud to release v1.102 of
the game client, made available for Windows and Linux platforms on Steam
(64-bit and 32-bit versions). All players using the Steam-version will get the
new update automatically.

Changes in v1.102:

* The configuration/file saving issue (client not saving any changes) is now
* Fixed the infamous Mac OSX black text issue with partial lite triggers
* Added better window handling, enabling better large screen playability (more
to come)
* Added config versioning in case of changes to config (compatibility
* Added an option to save config from menu and also from command line with
* Added the /grep function for searching a whole history of a window's text
* Commands /trigenable and /trigdisable will now display the result of the
* Added client control code 95 implementation for the client to be able to
play sounds
* Added a master volume config for players being able to control the client's
sound volume
* Added an option to enable/disable the news window alpha settings so it saves
in config
* Fixed the trigger manager to be resizable and its minimum size was also
* Added a tooltip for the simple trigger option to clear the confusion on how
it works
* Fixed skill/spell action monitor to show proper values while casting/using
* Other small fixes for the client stability, e.g. an adaptive heap size

On behalf of the rest of the devs,
Amarth Shadowstring

A r c h w i z a r d
17y, 21d, 2h, 28m, 19s old
600 [Wizard]