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BatMUD Forums > Batclient > Re: Incorrect script examples in client

03 Nov 2021 22:59
If you open 'Menu -> Help -> Game client related help -> Built in examples'
and select a script, it will try to open in the script editor but all you see
a 301 Moved Permanently. You then have to manually copy out the URL and paste
it into a web browser. It would be nice if someone could update the URLs in
the client, or make it follow redirects.

28d, 3h, 2m, 34s old
19 May 2023 13:18
This has been (finally) fixed.

Due to how the game client has been designed, this fix is actually live now
with version v1.104 already.

A r c h w i z a r d
18y, 1d, 10h, 27m, 2s old
600 [Wizard]