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BatMUD Forums > General > Batto

05 Apr 2022 21:20
With the anniversay coming up and Batto likely making his yearly appearance I
thought i would send out my reinc reminder for all.
Remember to turn in efiilas/feldspar/syggax favor, store coins, train exp,
drink reinc flask, and wear reinc pendant (while not in spawn or other
shapechange) if any. You need to be level 20 or higher and reinc won't get
you undead races. Freeze reaver energy. Stable your mount instead of leaving
at Oogga, GUNK.

There is obviously no need for pendants, undead restrictions, and I'm not sure
you really need to train exp. But as the time nears make sure you've planned

3y, 38d, 18h, 25m, 4s old