So the testing was successful, in that it was pretty clear pretty quickly some
things weren't doing what they needed to.
a) "Effort" towards figurine character kills was disproportionately awarded to
those taking damage, meaning front-row members were "stealing" kills from
their own blasters and healers. The "effort" algorithm was reweighted and
should be much more even.
b) Killing any monster or minion card played by a figurine character should
now give "effort" towards the character that played the card. A party or even
solo character who goes after those can get some progress on the character
that way, but most characters don't summon enough monsters that ONLY killing
those will be enough.
c) Cards are now tradable. If you kill a monster and find a card on its body,
and give it to someone else to turn in, you should both get Phylactery Bonus.
d) Treasure Chest chits weren't showing up. That wasn't testing, that was
flat-out an oversight. If you get one, take it to the Gaming Den and trade it
in like anything else.
Several people have asked about turning in cards being worth points. Simply
put, cards are just too easy to find and also now they're tradable, so, it'd
have to be a very small number of points. Let's see how the current tunes work
and I'll re-evaluate by the weekend.