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BatMUD Forums > Updates > Re: Phylactery Update 1.2

25 Apr 2022 22:49
I've added partial effort kills, mostly because I'm sick of people getting no
credit and I need to log why that's happening. So for a few days anyhow, if
you do 10-90% effort and would normally not get any credit because it wasn't
100%, you will instead get partial credit and partial points.

Since your name is now being stored even with partial kill, the cutoff of '2
bosses a day' is now '3 bosses a day' while this change is active. In case you
get screwed out of your first kill.

Don't get too used to this -- I will revert the changes when I find out why
people supposed to get 100% credit are getting 0% credit. Hopefully by the
weekend. The goal is still not to require 100% playtime every day just to get

Shinarae "Always Go Dwarf" Lluminus

A r c h w i z a r d
4y, 247d, 9h, 26m, 1s old
200 [Wizard]
29 Apr 2022 22:57
Shinarae wrote:
I've added partial effort kills, mostly because I'm sick of people getting no
credit and I need to log why that's happening. So for a few days anyhow, if
you do 10-90% effort and would normally not get any credit because it wasn't
100%, you will instead get partial credit and partial points.

Since your name is now being stored even with partial kill, the cutoff of '2
bosses a day' is now '3 bosses a day' while this change is active. In case you
get screwed out of your first kill.

Don't get too used to this -- I will revert the changes when I find out why
people supposed to get 100% credit are getting 0% credit. Hopefully by the
weekend. The goal is still not to require 100% playtime every day just to get

Shinarae "Always Go Dwarf" Lluminus
Changes reverted. You once again get 2 kills/day and only get credit for 100%
effort confirmed kills. No treasure chest chit, no points.

A r c h w i z a r d
4y, 248d, 6h, 26m, 41s old
200 [Wizard]