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BatMUD Forums > Updates > Halloween 2022 Event Testing

15 Oct 2022 14:54
This weekend, we're giving the upcoming event's point-getting mechanic a test

So how does the Event work?

1) Each of the three factions' main camp now has an extra room with a special
ritual you can perform. Activating the ritual will require plants for Efiilas,
skins and refined materials for Feldspar, and raw meat and organs for Syggax.
You'll need to collect 30 points worth, but, some items (fresh plants, better
materials, higher-quality organs) count more than others. Players with plant
lore, mining, skinning, etc. will find their skills highly prized during the
event, as these items can be freely traded.

2) If you don't like the idea of working with other players, there are other
sources for these items. In addition to any plants or materials you find in
existing areas, the Lost Vale that just opened has its own list. Special note,
items from older areas (most notably Digga's newbie area) could be
incompatible with the event.

3) If even that's not what you're looking for, the extra tasks on the message
boards on the factions' remote camps can be used. During the event, instead of
+10 Favor, completing a task will instead add +10 items you need to that
faction's ritual circle.

In other words, every player has the ability to get 30 points and activate the
ritual. You just need to decide for yourself how you're going to do it.

4) Once you get the required 30 points for the ritual, you can activate the
ritual and locate a special event monster carrying a special event item. These
monsters will be in Furnachia, have strength based on your character's level
of power (higher-level players will create higher-level enemies) and most
importantly are _timed_. Do not activate the ritual unless you're ready to
sprint to Furnachia and hunt your target down. Kill the monster, get the item
it carries with your name on it, and you can get some event points.

Each player may activate each faction's ritual once per boot. So, that's
three, tops. The elementals are strong enough that bringing a party is
recommended, but exceptionally strong players might be able to solo them.

5) The _second_ part of the event is, the factions you're helping are getting
points, too. The quest items held by the monsters can be turned in to any of
the three factions, even if it's not the faction whose ritual you just used.
You could, for example, get 30 plants, activate the Efiilas ritual, then give
the item to the Feldspar.

Which faction gets how many points is a big part of the event, when it's run
for real. For one, you spend your event points faction by faction. For two,
the faction that ends with the most event points will get a permanent upgrade
-- a second set of daily tasks which opens up additional items from that

Basically, the three factions are vying for access to Furnachia. You,
collectively, will decide which faction, or factions, gets that access. The
event will be temporary but its results will be permanent.

6) While tracking down the monsters with the rituals is the single best source
of event points, there will be others. Smaller items worth fewer points will
also appear in various places, mostly Furnachia. Unlike the monster-held
items, these items will not be named, and can be freely traded. Do not expect
them to be common.

So this weekend, gather up the items required to summon a monster or three and
see what the event has in store for you. And of course, report bugs to me as
you find them.

Shinarae "sharing is caring" Lluminus

A r c h w i z a r d
4y, 288d, 10h, 49m, 15s old
200 [Wizard]