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BatMUD Forums > Guilds.merchant > Minecrafting update 6.1

29 Mar 2023 14:06

Hi everybody!

I received news from a trusted source that something unexpected has been
uncovered while abandoning an excavation.

The brave adventurer who stumbled onto it, told me that they abandoned
their mine beside a mountain range "^" and it opened a pathway somewhere
they had not seen before.

They also met a man near the area who was in distress and was requesting
his help. The details after that are sketchy, but you can always find out
more yourself by excavating near a mountain, abandoning the structure
and see what possibly could happen.

The man also warned him that whatever was inside there, was extremely
dangerous compared to anything seen before, and explorers should not go
there alone or unprepared.


PS. Effective next boot (30-March-2023)

W i z a r d
14y, 31d, 22h, 4m, 9s old
80 [Wizard]