Merioli wrote:
So yeah. I guess this is down the lines of Broetchen's posts about liches in
need of tuning, but way less scientific and well articulated, but here goes..
Would it be possible to have a look at a revamp of how a nun can gain rep
As of now the best way by far is the mind-numbing task of walking around the
continents and doing 'cast holy bolt at x', which becomes very boring, very
I for one would like to see more diverse ways of gaining rep, from a much wider
ranger of activities, that sometimes even benefit the guilds as a whole as
well, such as (but not limited to):
- Restores
- Digging relics
- Being elected into the synod
- Conducting/attending prayers (extra bonus if you bring candles you've mad on
your own)
- Making and donating food and clothes to the poor
- Incentive us to use less useful spells and skills like Exorcize, Vial
throwing, Relic handling etc
Yes, I am aware that several of these suggestions already gives rep, but the
amounts are so small that they fade compared to boltting.
I'm sure the list can be made even longer, and if you really want to complicate
it further there could be diminishing effects or a cap, to discourage doing the
same thing over and over.
No one said the life of a nun was easy. I'm pretty sure most if not all of
the nun tasks/skills/spells give some form of rep. Not on your list above was
turning undeads...I'd think that should give a lot of rep, but it seems to
give minimal rep. In the end, Bolt Bolt Bolt!!