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BatMUD Forums > Ideas-wanted > Batzilla bug tracker

29 Apr 2021 11:15
Few suggestions for batzilla (not sure what MantisBT allows OOTB):
- Allow mortals to mark bugs as duplicate: I've reported a few bugs several
times because I didn't remember that I've already reported them (yes, silly
- Allow mortals to change Reproducibility, Area and Guild info if they are
related to a specific area. Might also add "Object" category although it will
be shown in Activities anyway. Tags are great but they might not be specific
- You could assign some mortals as "first line response" or at least they
could verify if the bug is reproducable (and change the status accordingly to
- Allow mortals to mark (your own) bugs as "Fixed" or "Closed" as there are
issues that are fixed but the bugreport is still open.
- When filtering bugreports and you want to filter by "Area", you can see all
the area tags of all reported bugs in the dropdown menu for other players'
bugs as well.
- As far as I can see, only "Bug" and "Typo" categories are used. The "Idea"
might be useful too, would it be hard to implement an "idea" command?

5y, 215d, 1h, 49m, 8s old