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BatMUD Forums > Ideas-wanted > Idea on regular mount recovering system

04 Jun 2021 18:02
First of all, its true that nowadays normal mounts are more safe to use. Still
there are cases ppls might lose their precious ones. For example, one
accidiently lose connection before boot and mount get attacks by
someone(normally mounts will keep the ride status which let it safe over boot,
but if attacked, the status might be removed), or if ppls get pked and mount
dies too. I think its OK to let mount get killed, but a recover way is
welcomed. Specially when u take months after months to search for rare ones.

My idea is to create a special kind of stable, with a NPC responsible for
recovering. There are a few rules over the stable:
> One ppls might only take restricted number of slots, might be 1
or 2;
> Mount can only be recovered if it is registered/stored here;
> A permanent special heel number is generated for each mount
> Recover process could take a few days.

The reason is to prevent ppls for copying mounts, so:
1) ppls cannot store mount in other stable and request for a
2) ppls cannot hide the mount somewhere in outworld and request for
recovering, because the NPC will first try to call the mount with the special
heal number;
3) while a recover in progress, wiz can check if this is legal or

I think the system is not very complicated or hard to implement, but do
make mount for safe to use.

2y, 31d, 20h, 57m, 19s old