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BatMUD Forums > Inform > new continent quests (Desolathya)

05 Apr 2017 03:03
The next batch of continent quests are on Desolathya, near the West Wharf. The
Feldspar Conglomerate, a group of administrators and crafters primarily, offer
miniquests and rewards on that continent.

You'll see a lot of familiar territory. Kill quests, search quests, crafting
and asemble quests return, of course in different areas and with different
targets. There are upgradable rewards as well. The ultrahighbie tasks aren't
added yet, and there's no reason to for 30 days anyhow since you can only get
100 Favor per day.

Of special note is that the Efiilas and Feldspar are COMPETITORS. Getting
Favor for one costs you some Favor for the other. This is intentional and is
not up for debate. There are some ways to mitigate this:
a) Dump all your Efiilas Favor into the "battery" items and let that faction
go for a while.
b) Doing tasks for both will net you Favor in both, so you can just plug away
and advance with both groups.
c) High-level players might consider doing easy or medium work for the
Efiilas, costing them less Favor with the Feldspar. Doing so should also give
you new tasks to try that you might not have done before, so if nothing else,
it's a change of scenery.

The Feldspar are merchant-driven, and as such, you're more likely to be given
a crafting quest you don't have the skills for. That's intentional. Find
someone who does have the skills and work out the details for cash or credit.
If it is too much of a problem, I may reconsider.

As always, please report any bugs or issues to me first chance you get.
There's kind of a lot of stuff here, but I'll try to keep on top of things.

Shinarae "there's a third coming" Lluminus

A r c h w i z a r d
3y, 299d, 6h, 41m, 55s old
200 [Wizard]