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BatMUD Forums > Updates > March Madness voting

20 Mar 2015 01:01
No matter how many heal alls she cast, Sharon could not save herself from the
iron maiden of GMT.

Famed barbarian Oogga edged out demon queen Llyth by the narrow score of one
mace to the head.

Clone of Shar decided not to reinc after all, and killed Ista the Defiant

Reddist and Tenji had a disagreement as to which was the best evil_relig
guild, made a bet on the subject, and shook on it. In a related story, 'dim
mak' is a powerful skill.

And the Trilloch stole from the wrong temple, and Burgle had to step in with a
harsh reminder.

Once again, kudos go out to all the winners. Next round is up for voting!

Shinarae "Aj'ajaj-splat" Lluminus

A r c h w i z a r d
3y, 69d, 20h, 53m, 15s old
200 [Wizard]