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BatMUD Forums > Inform > Halloween 2012 mini-event

30 Oct 2012 04:00
The Halloween 2012 event starts at reboot. It is a BatMUD variant of trick or
treating. The quest giver in the Arelium city church will give you a trick or
treat bag and assign you a race of monster you need to 'tag'. Take the bag,
visit different monsters of that race and 'tag' them for candy and other
prizes. Those who complete the event will get a quest on their permanent
record, as well as all the candy they gather during the process.

-- the monster race, and monsters you're allowed to tag, are based on your
level and number of rebirths. High-level players and rebirthers are given
tougher races and must tag higher-exp monsters to get credit for it.
-- the trick or treat bag shows your target race and keeps a running total of
the number of 'tags' you have. Also, any candy you get goes in the bag.
-- the quest is awarded at five different tags. Some of you will get this
quest faster/easier than others based on race, but everyone should get a race
that's possible to complete. Bear in mind, some of you will have to visit
multiple areas to complete the quest.

The event will run for the 72 hours after the next reboot. Have fun!

Shinarae Lluminus

A r c h w i z a r d
2y, 292d, 10h, 35m, 12s old
200 [Wizard]